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It's time to plant new and bloo. Grow and Reap.

The Sky is the Limit. 
A quote that's often been uttered.
Nevertheless, I live in a universe that is not bound by any rational boundary.
I, everyday, manifest a life beyond the horizon of possibilities. 

An attitude towards life, that's been tailored recently, after reading a few self-development books, that include

1. Mindset by Carol Dweck
2. Atomic Habits by James Clear
3. IKIGAI by Francesc Miralles & Hector Garcia
4. The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

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It's time to plant new and bloom

 Mastering LinkedIn:
5 Simple Hacks for Overwhelming Reach

In today's digital age, LinkedIn has emerged as a powerful platform

for professionals to connect, engage, and expand their networks. As a Personal Branding Expert and Ghostwriter, I have gained valuable insights into some selective hacks that can significantly enhance your reach on LinkedIn. 


In this article, I will share five super easy hacks that will help you gain an overwhelming reach and elevate your personal brand on LinkedIn.


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Image by Souvik Banerjee

The Art of Personal Branding on LinkedIn:

Embarking on my writing journey on LinkedIn a few months ago, I never anticipated the incredible momentum and impact it would bring. Now, just a month after my graduation, I have garnered over 3K followers, achieved a wide reach on my page, and created a lasting impression. While it may seem like a daunting task, with the right strategies and a foundation built on consistency, surpassing your goals becomes a reality. As I delved into the realms of personal branding and ghostwriting for a founder, I have acquired valuable insights into the tricks of LinkedIn.


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Image by Souvik Banerjee

Who am I?
Where would I belong?

What’s that word that defines you, who you are as an individual.
Or, well, where would you say, you belong? 

I’d belong, to a crazy bunch of readers, finding solace in words.

Or, in the parade of women seeking basic Human Rights.

Or, in classes of students, battling for the perfect score

Or, a lost writer, squeezed in an arc of that archaic library, which comprises only ancient classics, scribbling words that are the only pieces that keep me together.

Or, rather, all of them, everything at once. In this millennium age, can an Individual, possibly cuddle within a single identity. 


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A girl writing

50 Words & Phrases from
Old English 

Good Morrow Fellow Readers,


We may be an ace in Modern English,

why not be one in old English as well?


C’mon let’s utilize these oversized vacations to refurnish our English and let’s weave wings of knowledge wherewith we fly to heaven.


Tap on the Link to find a list which contains 90 Words and Phrases from Old English [Shakespeare] along with their meanings.

Vintage Cookbook
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